
Welcome back to The John Cooper School! This is your home page for anything and everything alumni related. The John Cooper School has graduated 2,479 alumni in our history, and we welcome you to connect with us on Cooper Alumni ONE and join us for the many events and activities coming this year. Make it your year to get involved!

The John Cooper School Alumni Association Mission

To foster loyalty, commitment and communication and to encourage personal and professional development within the Cooper community to cultivate a strong tradition of involvement among alumni, students, and friends that translates into a lifelong relationship that will advance The John Cooper School and the achievement of its goals.

The Green & Black Alumni Society

The Green and Black Aluni Society logo.
The Green & Black Alumni Society recognizes alumni who make a leadership gift to the Cooper Annual Fund. These contributions reflect alumni’s ongoing commitment to The John Cooper School’s future. Alumni who donate at the Canopy Circle level will be invited to a special reception hosted by the Head of the School.
Canopy Circle: $1000+; Branching Circle: $500-$999; Seedling Circle: $250-$499

Ignite Magazine

Ignite Magazine cover
Ignite is an annual magazine containing news and updates pertinent to the alumni of The John Cooper School, as well as a report of appreciation on advancing our school. Check out the latest 2022 Ignite Magazine, or read through past issues in the Ignite Magazine Archive.

Homecoming & Reunions

Alumni, Alumni Parents, and Class of 2025 Parents had a great time in September at the annual Alumni Association Homecoming Tailgate, which took place in the new Athletic Center. Check back for the date for the 2025 event!

The All Alumni Campus Tour happened in September during Reunion/Homecoming Weekend. Thank you to all the alumni, alumni parents, and friends who toured The John Cooper School campus. Check back for the 2025 date!

The Classes of 1994, 1999, 2004, and 2009 celebrated their class reunions in September, and the Class of 2014 celebrated its 10-year reunion in October.

The Class of 2019 will have its 5-year reunion on Saturday, December 28, from 7 – 9 p.m. at Mahoney’s in the Waterway. Register by December 20! Check out the Alumni Calendar or Cooper Alumni ONE for more details.

The John Cooper School classes ending in 5 and 0 will celebrate their reunions in 2025! If you would like to help with your class reunion, email
Engage with other Dragons before these events on Cooper Alumni ONE, the exclusive networking platform for Cooper Alumni. It only takes two minutes and uses your LinkedIn credentials. This platform was created for your benefit to help you leverage the Cooper network virtually. You can find the latest alumni event information, search or share jobs, seek or provide mentoring opportunities, connect with other Dragons in your industry, gain career advice, support alumni-owned businesses, and catch up with your classmates. Take advantage of this personal and professional career-building tool by going to Cooper Alumni ONE or downloading the app!
Cooper Alumni One bannerCooper Alumni ONE allows alumni to both re-connect with old classmates and utilize the trusted Cooper environment to expand professional networks.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Kalli Lovejoy

    Kalli Lovejoy 

    Assistant Director, Alumni Engagement
    281-367-0900 ext. 2440

Social Media

Like: @JCSAlumniAssociation

Follow: TheJohnCooperSchoolAlumni

Follow: @JCSAlumniAssociation


Connect: The John Cooper School Alumni

Upcoming Alumni Events

From Curiosity to Wisdom
The John Cooper School is an independent, non-sectarian, co-educational, college preparatory day school. Our mission is to provide a challenging education in a caring environment to a diverse group of select students, enabling them to become critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators, responsible citizens and leaders, and lifelong learners.

The John Cooper School seeks to attract qualified individuals of diverse backgrounds to its faculty, staff, and student body. The School does not discriminate against any individual in admissions, educational programs, personnel policies, general practices, or employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, physical disability, or age.